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Select the suitable application for your client by reviewing the information and relevant guides provided below. Ideally, choose the accelerated underwriting/non-medical application for a quicker process. However, eligibility for accelerated underwriting may be hindered by certain applicant histories.

Life - Accel UW/Non-Med App: Healthy individuals with a clean medical, legal, and financial history. If an applicant is not eligible for accelerated underwriting, they will enter into the traditional fully underwritten process and a medical exam will be ordered.

Click here to access the Individual Policy Underwriting Guide.
     pg. 1 - Age & amount requirements        
     pg. 13 - Eligibility criteria

Accel UW/Non-Med App: Select this option to complete accelerated, juvenile, and non-medical cases. Non-medical cases can also be submitted via paper application if necessary.

Accelerated UW can only be submitted electronically through eApply. Paper applications will not be accepted.

There are TWO parts to the Accel UW/Non-Med application. The first part includes collecting general details and a HIPPA signature. Once this is completed, you will need to go back into the application to finalize the second part which includes additional key underwriting questions.

Life-Trad/EZ App App: Used for tele-underwriting and traditional underwriting applications. If your client has a health condition listed in the ratable conditions section of the underwriting guide (pg. 13), please use this e-application instead of the accelerated underwriting e-application.

Paper applications are rarely needed, but when required, please follow the protocol provided here for a straightforward process.

Step 01: Download State Specific Paper Application
Navigate to the Product Portfolio on the Producer Workbench's top red menu bar, then access Forms & Applications using the dropdown menu below.

Choose "New Business" from the Business Area box. This will automatically select "Application Kits" in the Form Type.

Next, select the State of Jurisdiction, Product Line, and Product Name.

Click the Add Selection button first, followed by the Search button.

This process will display all the necessary documents for that state and product, with the items already checked. Proceed to click download.

Step 02: Collect Docusign Signature & Certificate of Completion
After completing the application (which can be done in any program, including Docusign), ensure all required signatures are provided by yourself, the agent, and the client within Docusign. Download the signed application along with a copy of the Docusign certificate of completion.

Submit the application using the paper upload button within the e-apply software. For confirmation of receipt, it is advisable to send a follow-up email to Kelly Micek (contact details provided below).

If you have any questions regarding applications, please reach out to Kelly Micek at Ameritas Wealth Advisors.

Kelly Micek
(402) 423-4022 ext. 215

CC on all emails: 

Select the suitable application for your client by reviewing the information and relevant guides provided below. Ideally, choose the accelerated underwriting/non-medical application for a quicker process. However, eligibility for accelerated underwriting may be hindered by certain applicant histories.

Life - Accel UW/Non-Med App: Healthy individuals with a clean medical, legal, and financial history. If an applicant is not eligible for accelerated underwriting, they will enter into the traditional fully underwritten process and a medical exam will be ordered.

Click here to access the Individual Policy Underwriting Guide.
     pg. 1 - Age & amount requirements        
     pg. 13 - Eligibility criteria

eApply Video Breakdown: The Basics of eApply
Basic Videos 1 - 6 
  1. Selecting the correct application   
  2. HIPAA authorization and Main Application Details
  3. Signature and Authorization
  4. Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire
  5. Underwriting Consideration Attention
  6. Paramedical Scheduling

Accel UW/Non-Med App: Select this option to complete accelerated, juvenile, and non-medical cases. Non-medical cases can also be submitted via paper application if necessary.

Accelerated UW can only be submitted electronically through eApply. Paper applications will not be accepted.

There are TWO parts to the Accel UW/Non-Med application. The first part includes collecting general details and a HIPPA signature. Once this is completed, you will need to go back into the application to finalize the second part which includes additional key underwriting questions.